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RTV 3410 A+B QC - KIT KG 1,100
RTV 3410 A+B QC - KIT KG 1,100/public/prodotti/RTV 3410_g.jpg
RTV 3410 A+B QC - KIT KG 1,100/public/prodotti/RTV 3410_g.jpg
RTV 3410 A+B QC - KIT KG 1,100/public/prodotti/stampo rtv 3410.jpg
RTV 3410 A+B QC - KIT KG 1,100RTV 3410 A+B QC - KIT KG 1,100RTV silicone moulds for food

Cod. 21558

It may be easily used to manufacture anti-adherent moulds intended for moulding objects in chocolate, sugar, marzipan and for producing decorative sugar pieces of bakery, biscuits and confectionery products.

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decosil® Srl
Via Risorgimento, 29
35010 Limena - Padova - Italia
Tel.  +39 049 769999
Fax. +39 049 8848069

C.F.  e P. Iva 04152410280

Reg. Imp. di: PD
Nr. Rea: PD 366437
Cap. Soc. €10.000 I.V.

1,23 sec. 